Project criteria for NASF financial support
This document provides more information on the threshold and selection criteria used by NASF to review and select the proposals submitted. The Netherlands Albert Schweitzer Fund (NASF) welcomes applications that align with the following criteria:
Context and relevance
- The proposal contributes to the direct improvement of the health of disadvantaged local people: either to a healthy living environment, health literacy and/or health care, in accordance with SDG 3 and/or 6 (THRESHOLD);
- The project will be implemented in one of the following countries: Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Ghana or Burkina Faso (THRESHOLD);
- The proposal describes a clearly defined target group, how the target group will benefit and how their needs are being addressed (THRESHOLD);
- The proposal describes how it makes use of innovative approaches, how this is feasible within the team’s skill set and the proposal also describes the relevance of the innovativeness of the project to its beneficiaries and users (THRESHOLD);
- The proposal clearly identifies and describes the problem the project will address;
- The proposal presents a sensible solution to the problem described with clear deliverables and tangible results: the results of the project can be measured or otherwise confirmed with certainty;
Project approach
- The project is initiated locally, based on local needs and is carried out by a team from/close to the local population (THRESHOLD);
- It is a small-scale initiative, i.e. with a limited financial volume: the average amount of projects funded by NASF is EUR 7,000 (THRESHOLD);
- It concerns a one-off support intervention (THRESHOLD);
- The implementation of the project will be completed within one year;
- The proposal contains at least one added element or activity to strengthen health-related knowledge or skills of the target group;
- Projects are carried out in a way that respects and protects the climate and the environment. Projects addressing climate and environmental challenges in their approach are particularly encouraged;
Sustainability or long-term viability
- Maintenance and ownership of the project deliverables and results are agreed upon and described in the proposal. NB. If relevant, a business case might be requested by NASF;
- After the implementation of the project, the project results or effects can be continued independently by the agreed upon owner of the project: either by the local organisation, the community (structure) or the local government;
- In case other partners or stakeholders are involved in the project implementation or the continuation of the activities after implementation, their role(s) in and contribution(s) to the project are described explicitly;
Budget and other costs
- The project plan is accompanied by a detailed and realistic budget in the local currency and in euros;
- In case the presented project is part of a bigger program or project, it must be clearly stated in the application; including the total amount of the full program or project. If the organisation applied for (co-)funding elsewhere for (part of) this bigger program or project, this should be specified as well;
- Overhead costs do not exceed 10% of the total budget, and do not include salaries for the applying organisation;
- If the main activity of the project includes construction work, the applying organisation has to submit tenders of at least two different contractors;
Organisation and administration
- The application is complete (all 4 required documents included), is an original and not a copy of an application submitted previously (THRESHOLD);
- The application concerns a direct request from an African organisation and not a foundation based in the Netherlands (THRESHOLD);
- The local organisation is responsible for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the project;
- The organisation has fulfilled all its obligations resulting from any former project funded by NASF;
- The organisation needs to have a local bank account. Funds will be transferred in the local currency into a local bank account in the name of the applicant organisation. NASF does not transfer money into bank accounts in euros or any other foreign currency;
The following projects or activities will not be subsidised by NASF:
- Projects or activities that only indirectly contribute to health, such as income-generating activities or economic empowerment;
- Emergency aid;
- Exchange projects, study trips, scholarships, research and/or internships;
- Projects intended solely for education or information purposes;
- Religious activities.
The following costs will not be subsidised by NASF:
- Overhead costs, in particular salaries, for the applying organisation;
- Project expenses that have already been made;
- Extra costs that have emerged after a definitive decision by NASF;
- Costs of medical or technical devices, machinery or goods that are bought in the Netherlands or any other high-income country, when these can be acquired or manufactured locally.
- Travel expenses or in-country accommodation costs;
- Transport costs to or from abroad.